Softening point IS 1205 1978

Hot the bitumen in oven or on hot plate at 75oc – 110oc above softening point say at 90oc + softening point of bitumen and pour it in the rings Balls weights 3.5 gms and dia of Ball is 9.5 mm
After 30 min in air place it in beaker 600 ml and keep it in apparatus the temp of Distilled water should be 0oc and heat it at the rate of 5oc /min place the thermometer and note down the temp when balls touched the lower plate.

For CRMB 55 the Softening point is 55oc
For CRMB 50 the softening point is 50oc
And For CRMB 60 the Softening point is 60oc

For Bitumen having the Softening point above 80oc use Glysrine in place of water and the starting temp should be 35oc
In IS 1205 1978 the water bath is written to perfotm the test first keep the beaker with sample in water bath for 15 min at 5oc and then allow to rise the temp at 5oc per min.


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