Stripping value

Take the sample passing 25 mm and retaind on 12.5 mm IS sieve. Heat the aggregate at 150oc and Binder at 160oc and then mix it according to yhe percentage then allow it to cool for 2 hours Put the mix in beaker with Distilled water.Then place it in water bath for 24 hours at temp of 40oc and cover the beaker with glass sheet or any other suitable device. After 24 hours saa the stripping visually while specimen in beaker with water not touching the specimen.
As results cames the antistripping agent will required for according to percentage of stripping.
The Stripping value depends on the nature of the water absorbption is more stripping is more and if the aggregates are with smooth surface the stripping will be more. As specific gravity is more the stripping is less.
Secondly use the Distilled water to perform the test.If we use normal water the salts present in water will give more stripping.


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